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Thriving Beyond Cassandra Syndrome:

Weekly Coaching & Therapeutic

Community Experience

Neurotypical/Allistic Support

We'll meet weekly for 8 sessions.

$100/pay per session

Max 12 Participants

Next Group Start Date:

To Be Determined Depending on Interest


Weekly "Thriving Beyond Cassandra Syndrome Group Coaching and Therapeutic experience"

Is This Group For Me?

Feeling isolated, misunderstood, and emotionally off-balance in a relationship with a partner on the autism spectrum can be deeply challenging. You may grapple with feelings of abandonment, confusion, regret, resentment, and fear for the future. It's a journey that can leave you feeling distant from your own sense of self and optimism, often without adequate understanding or support from others. This group is for you if: - You know or suspect your partner is on the Autism spectrum - Whether or not you are in couples therapy (or coaching)   - Whether or not you are experiencing the classic Cassandra Syndrome, Ongoing Traumatic Relationship Stress, or Trauma Bond.  - You seek guidance, clarity, healing, and reclamation relative to your unique relationship.

How Will This Group Help?

Lisa has facilitated nine group cohorts serving over 100 women thus far, leading to significant shifts - from feeling alone, exhausted, disempowered, and confused to reclaiming themselves, having clarity, and a path forward. Her therapeutic community experience will help you navigate your relationship's emotional and practical complexities. Our 8-week program is a journey designed to elevate your well-being and reignite joy in your life. It's inclusive for anyone in a neurodiverse relationship, regardless of their partner's ASD diagnosis, the stage of their relationship, or previous therapies and interventions they've experienced. In this supportive group environment, you will: - Feel Less Alone and Establish Emotional & Psychological Safety - Clarify Patterns and Discover Solutions to Them - Requalify Your Emotions to Experience Relief and Peace in Your Heart - Apply Powerful Psychological and Emotional Empowerment Tools - Nourish Yourself to Strengthen Your Mind, Body, and Spirit - Heal Attachment Injuries to Step into Your Full Power - Reclaim Yourself to Feel Whole Again - Focus on Post-Traumatic Growth & Release Regret

Group Details

$100 per session (not covered by insurance*)  Ready for the next step? Just complete our Cassandra Group Contact Form to get started.

Neurotypical Support: Cassandra Syndrome One-Time Workshop

Is This Workshop For Me?

This workshop is crafted for women like you who are navigating the intricate dynamics of being in a relationship with an autism spectrum partner.

How Will This Workshop Help?

We aim to provide you with understanding, strategies, and support tailored to your unique situation. Here's what we'll explore together: 1) Anchor in Safety and Understanding: Create a foundation of mutual understanding and support. 2) Illuminate Your Journey: Light the way to healing and growth in your relationship. 3) Master Emotional Alchemy: Learn techniques to transform emotional challenges into tranquility. 4) Navigate the Neurodiverse Maze: Enhance communication and connection with your partner. 5) Reflect on the Future of Your Relationship: Find clarity and direction for your journey ahead. 6) Rediscover and Reclaim Your Sense of Self: Empower your identity within the context of your neurodiverse relationship.

A photo of neurodiverse expert, Lisa Anzaldua

Group Details

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