It is easy to fall into the deep hole of the internet to research neurodiversity and never come out.
One way to become informed is to soak in some information, process it with your therapist, and then see what makes sense to you.
Once you become a client, your therapist or coach will give you access to our password protected Couples Content Library with has additional exercises and information.
For now, here are a few touchstones of organized content.

Neurodiverse Couples Counseling Center
Adult Autism Assessment Center
She Rocks the Spectrum
Therapy 4 Autistic Men
Believing Cassandra (for Neurotypical Partner)
Neurodiverse Couples Retreat
Books to INSPIRE you
These books contain deep insights about being different. They will make you laugh, cry and learn. Enjoy:
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend: A Novel Paperback by Matthew Dicks
The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius by Gail Saltz
Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's by John Elder Robison
We're Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation by Eric Garcia
Books to INFORM you.
These books are about making a neurodiverse relationship work. They can be hopeful and discouraging. Reading the books will help a little but most couples need to have an experienced professional walk you through the healing and growth process.
Aspergers in Love, Maxine Aston
Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome, Eva A. Mendes
Going Over the Edge? Practical Steps to Savings You and Your Relationship, Kathy J. Marshack
Asperger Syndrome and Long-Term Relationships, Ashley Stanford
Alone Together, Katrin Bentley
Connecting With Your Asperger Partner: Negotiating the Maze of Intimacy, Louise Weston
Loving Someone with Asperger's Syndrome: Understanding and Connecting with your Partner, Cindy Ariel PhD
22 Things a Woman Must Know: If She Loves a Man With Asperger's Syndrome, Rudy Simone
The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder), Tony Attwood
Neurodiversity Network
Neurodiversity Hub
Different Brains
Vanderbilt University
Exceptional Individuals
Neurodiversity at Work
Autism Spectrum News
Tony Attwood's home page
AANE (Asperger’s Association of New England)
Autism Women’s Network, Inc
Here are some helpful blogosts, podcasts and articles:
Neurodiverse Love - Support Groups and Podcast
How an Evaluation for Autism Can Reduce Anxiety in Your Relationship
The Top 5 Things People in Neurodiverse Couples Should Know
Embracing neurodiversity in relationships
Are You in a Neurodivergent Marriage?
Tips for Women in Relationships with Partners on the Autism Spectrum
Lessons from an Aspergers-NT Marriage
Neurodiverse PARTNER
An Aspie’s Perspective on Neurodiverse Marriage
What's so special about a Special Interest?
Eye Contact: the Conversation within the Conversation
Neurotypical PARTNER
What I've learned in a Decade of Marriage
Neurodiverse Marriage: How to Love a Partner with Autism
Five Suggestions For Communicating With Your Asperger’s Partner

“We need to embrace those who are different and the bullies need to be the ones who get off the bus,.”
Caren Zucker, co-author of “In a Different Key”